St. Camillus Catholic chaplains serve as interfaith chaplains supporting patients, families, and medical staff, especially during times of crisis.

St. Camillus Catholic chaplains serve as interfaith chaplains supporting patients, families, and medical staff, especially during times of crisis. image


raised towards $150,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

St Camillus Annual Giving Campaign

Dear friends,

We are drawing near to the end of our fiscal year and Annual Giving Campaign. Our goal is $150,000. We are grateful to those who helped raise $44,000 at the Winery Luncheon and $6000 Lenten Series.

As many of you know, our dedicated St. Camillus Catholic chaplains serve as interfaith chaplains supporting patients, families, and medical staff, especially during times of crisis. When COVID-19 hit, our chaplains were the only support allowed to enter the hospital facility because we were already part of the staff. We remained fully functioning throughout the height of the pandemic and continue to provide direct support.

While we are fortunate to play a vital role in many success stories, there is still much more to be accomplished. Our Annual Giving Campaign plays a critical role in helping us continue:“to accompany people in the midst of suffering with holistic healing and hope”. Hear Chaplain Stephanie on NPR and from Fr. Chris.

Blessings and Thank you to you who already give regularly. Consider sending an end of year gift today as all gifts before June 30, 2022, the end of our fiscal year. Donor levels:

A) Friend of St. Camillus (any donation),

B) Sustaining Friend (Monthly or quarter over $2000),

C) Major Donor (Over $5000),

D) Corporate/Business Friends,

E) Friend Legacy with Planned Giving or

F) Endowment.

Joins us for a Mass of Thanksgiving Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 4pm follow by simple wine and cheese. Join in person on ZOOM.

Please donate at Network For Good Admin

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Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration.


Fr. Chris Ponnet, Pastor/Chaplain323 2254461 x221